How to Spring Clean Like a Minimalist

The onset of spring delivers the promise of new beginnings. It nudges us to reflect and ask how can we live happier, freer, and lighter. And in my experience, achieving a more fulfilling life is about not chasing more but thriving with less. As a minimalist, I definitely partake in this annual spring ritual of cleansing and clearing out. However, my spring cleaning is not restricted to my physical possessions.


The Two Biggest Myths of Minimalism

When you think of the word minimalism, what comes to mind? Monotone clothing? Stark white decor? Near empty spaces? Minimalism can be all of these and a lot more. It is not just a physical manifestation; it is relevant to your mental and emotional levels as well. To get the most out of minimalism, it should be looked at from a holistic perspective and not just a physical one.

Minimalism is really all about reassessing your priorities so that you can strip away the excess and nonessential stuff— the possessions,