The onset of spring delivers the promise of new beginnings. It nudges us to reflect and ask how can we live happier, freer, and lighter. And in my experience, achieving a more fulfilling life is about not chasing more but thriving with less. As a minimalist, I definitely partake in this annual spring ritual of cleansing and clearing out. However, my spring cleaning is not restricted to my physical possessions.
Category: Happiness
A Meaningful Christmas
It’s that time of the year again. The time for mince pies and mulled wine, Christmas trees and mistletoes and all things nice. Amidst all the gaiety and twinkly lights, the season also brings forth a sense of dread for some; brought on by the seasonal expectations of having a ‘merry christmas’ and the consumption frenzy which has increasingly defined and eclipsed the spiritual origins of the holiday.
I’m all for the festive good cheer,
A Roadmap to Living Well With Less
The abundance many of us enjoy in the world today has not increased our level of happiness and fulfilment. In fact, for some of us, we are less happy than the generations before us despite having more. If being more, having more and doing more are not delivering the happiness we desire, perhaps embracing less in order to live more is a viable option.
A minimalist life is about focusing on what’s truly important and that adds value to our life,
5 Ways to Simplify Your Life in the New Year
After the exuberance and excess of the festive season, the arrival of the New Year tends to imbue a sense of moderation and reflection amongst many. The promise of new beginnings and fresh starts provides the impetus to reflect and ask how can we be happier, freer, more fulfilled. The achievement of these and more are usually not done through being and having more, but rather with less. As we strip away the excess and clutter,
A Day in the Life of a Minimalist
So what is a minimalist life like? Is it any different from the life of one who is not? I guess the answer is yes and no. Being a minimalist does not exempt one from the ups and downs of daily life. What minimalism does is provide us with a set of beliefs, values and habits to facilitate more intentional living and make more conscious decisions- with the aim of making our lives happier,
Stop tolerating and start living
The word ‘tolerance’ just crossed my mind today and I could not stop thinking about it. Simply because like many, I think I spend a less than healthy chunk of my life tolerating instead of living. I am referring to the word defined as ‘the act of capacity of enduring’ rather than the other that describes ‘a fair, objective and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs and practices that differ from one’s own.’
Change your world through good news
If I was a Martian and I landed on Earth and picked up a newspaper, I would think I have landed in a place somewhat resembling hell. Terrorist attacks, gun shootings, beheadings, potential collapse of a country’s financial system…the bad news just keep coming. And they keep coming because bad news sells. Let’s be honest about this, many of us derive voyeuristic pleasure from bad news as long as it’s not happening to us or to our loved ones- it makes us feel fortunate and to count our blessings.
The sweet spot between too little and too much
With the start of the year, I have continued with my practice of not having specific goals in mind. Instead, I will advance in the direction of where I would like to be and in the process, arrive at situations where I can derive happiness, fulfilment and inspiration. I can say as of now, I am quite happy and contented to be where I am. Quite.
Happiness is a place between too little and too much –